Wednesday, November 3, 2010

7 woolies down...

...many, many more to go. My goal is to have at least 16 pairs finished by the fair on 12/4, 4 of each size, evenly divided between longies and shorties and boyish and girly colors. I am remarkably on track. If I continue finishing one pair every other day, I will actually have over 20 finished, but I have to factor in time to wash the suckers and let them air dry before the event. My to-do list still includes ordering business cards and designing some sort of care sheet/tag/thingie, finding a pretty table cloth, getting shopping bags and a simple receipt book...ho boy. Who knows how many crucial steps I am missing because I am flying by the seat of my pants here. Still, I am SO excited!!

Tonight I tried dyeing with Kool-aid for the first time, and I can definitely see the appeal. It certainly smells yummier than my usual vinegary cauldron, and the water was practically clear after one rinse, compared to the 4-5 rinses acid dyes take. But, at the volume I'm working with, it would be so much more expensive to use and the color selection is pretty limited. To keep my wonderful, kind, patient husband content I'm ordering some citric acid right now - he complains to no end about the acrid stench while the dye pot is bubbling. And, of course, since I have to pay for shipping anyways, some new dye colors! *steeples fingers and cackles maniacally*

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