Sunday, October 17, 2010

There is violet dye on my shirt. This is not a dyeing shirt. :(

I have a correction to my last post. Apparently I only suck at blogging - crafting I'm doing pretty well with! This week, I...

Dyed my Osnaburg wrap!


Sent off my craft swap items, including my tea cozy! Also included were two tiny pumpkins and a purple scarf, but I forgot to take pictures of those in my rush to the post office. The nut in the background is Oni.


Finished two wool shorties from my dyed yarn! Also a pair of longies that are still missing elastic and so are not pictured. The photobomber in this picture is Leela.


And, most exciting of all, HOLY CRAP I COMMITTED TO A HOLIDAY BAZAAR TO SELL MY STUFFS! I keep having "wtf was I thinking" moments, but I think this could be just the kick in the butt I need to get my craftiness into business mode. I have until December 6th to finish as many shorties, longies, hats, wrist warmers and whatever else I please as I can. Even as I type there is a dye-pot of yarn simmering on the stove and a batch in the microwave. Grandmas have been enlisted to come over during the week to keep the monster occupied while I knit my ass off. I am hoping to have about 20 shorties/longies in various sizes plus whatever else I can manage. The bazaar is at Granola Babies in Costa Mesa, so I'm focusing on the baby goods, but mama goods are welcome as well.

The one job offer I had has been pushed back yet *again,* so I am not hopeful at all that it will happen. Nobody around us is hiring part time, and the thought of going back to work full time makes me cry. Even the thought of going back part time bums me out, so I am throwing myself headlong into crafting. Wish me luck, imaginary readers!