Friday, July 30, 2010


First blog posts are always so awkward. I feel the need to explain myself, my motivations, my funny made up words... Future posts will be easier, once all of this is out of the way.

Well, I'll start with the made up words. Please reference this Dinosaur Comic. It was between that and...well...I've been stuck on coming up with a blog name for about two weeks now, to be honest. Each day, something awesome or silly or frustrating would happen and I would think, wow! I could turn that into a clever anecdote that someone might enjoy reading! But I didn't because I couldn't come up with a suitably unique name. Finally tonight I turned to my good old friends, suffixes. I considered -opolis, -opoly, -licious, and a few others, but then I remembered how much my good friend T-Rex likes -cracy.

Funny made up words: Check.

So me! This part will probably be boring, so I'll keep it short. I am a 26-year-old, married, heathen mama to two kitties and a 3 and a half month old boy (AKA Monster). I have an unhealthy addiction to lurking on baby forums and Reddit. Recently, as of the last oh, 3 and a half months, I've been absorbing ridiculous amounts of information on breastfeeding, cloth diapers and babywearing. I work in human resources because I *love* rules. No joke. I'll probably devote a whole post to my strange adoration for The Rules some day. In my spare time (har de har, spare time with a new baby) I dabble in the culinary arts, knit, sew, and play video games.

About me: Check.

And lastly, my Why. His name is Monster, and he is the most amazing little being I have ever met. I would do anything to be with him 24/7, so dammit, I'm going to try everything. And I need some motivation, so I am going to pretend that I have an audience hanging on my every word (you are hanging on them, right?) keeping me accountable in my endeavor to become a stay at home mom. The 9-5 just isn't for me any more, especially since my 9-5 is more like 8-7. My job is awesome and fun and rewarding, but it's nothing compared to taking care of my little man.

Motivation: Check.

So...that's everything. Me and my reasons. Follow along as I peddle my wares in hopes that some day, maybe, I'll escape corporate America.
